Hi, I am William Ballard

I was trained in business and marketing prior to photography, but I've always been an artistic and creative soul. There has always been two sides to me -- a technical and a creative -- and I love how photography combines the two. It's the perfect blend -- just like the perfect cup of coffee.

I love art. I love documenting it, discovering it, and making a conscious choice to have my life surrounded by it.

I approach photography with two philosophies. One is to be photojournalistic. Capturing those unexpected moments. A quite glance. A secret kiss. A boisterous laugh. It is all about finding those details and intimate moments that truly tell your unique story.

The second is to be editorial. To direct, compose, and create interesting shots. These are the pictures that will be high-impact and dramatic. And definitely creative.

My style is natural. Organic. Timeless. My art and photography conjures up feelings of romance, poetry, and beauty. I draw inspiration from nature, color, family, interior design, paintings, sketch drawings, and reading novels.

But mostly, I'm inspired by YOU. By your stories and personalities. My goal is to dig deep into the uniqueness that is you, and incorporate that into my photography.

My collegiate background and training starts with an Associates of Arts in Criminal Justice, a Bachelors of Science in Business Management (with a concentration in Small Business and Entrepreneurship), and Masters in Business Administration (MBA).

In June of 2020 I was inducted into The National Honor Society of Leadership and Success, Sigma Alpha Pi. And I am also a member of the Professional Photographers of America (PPA).

I frequently pause when I think of my career in photography. It is truly a pleasure and joy to do what I do.

It is my passion manifested into a dream job, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering me as your photographer.

In addition to photography, I also have the extreme honor of speaking on stages around the world and mentoring thousands of ambitious entrepreneurs and photographers who are seeking to live life on their own terms. As an accomplished online entrepreneur, writer, business coach, and marketing consultant, cultivating a lifestyle of freedom, my work has been featured in publications such as EntrepreneurWriter's DigestWriter's WeeklyThrive GlobalAmerican Writer's & Artist Inc. (AWAI), among many others.